Magnesium Therapy

Magnesium notes:

Ailments associated with magnesium deficiency:

  1. Muscle pain
  2. Insomnia
  3. Migraines
  4. Menstrual pain
  5. Depression
  6. Prevent cancer
  7. Treat/cure diabetes
  8. Prevent seizures
  9. Osteoporosis
  10. Hypocalcemia
  11. Low serum parathyroid hormone (PTH)
  12. Reduced DHEA (hormonal problems & immune system functions)
  13. Diabetes (insulin sensitivity leading to resistance)
  14. High blood pressure (vasoconstriction from low intracellular magnesium)
  15. Chronic fatigue syndrome (low RBC magnesium)
  16. Mitral valve prolapse
  17. Attention deficit disorder
  18. Autism
  19. Fibromyalgia
  20. Anxiety
  21. Asthma
  22. Allergies
  23. Restless leg syndrome

Symptoms of deficiency:

  1. Cramps, muscle tension, muscle soreness, backaches, neck pain, tension headaches, TMJ.
  2. Chest tightness
  3. Constipation, urinary spasms, menstrual cramps, difficulty swallowing/lump in throat.
  4. Insomnia, anxiety, hyperactivity, restless limbs, panic attacks, agoraphobia, premenstrual irritability.
  5. Peripheral numbness/tingling/abnormal sensations.
  6. Palpitations, heart arrhythmias, angina, high blood pressure, mitral valve prolapse.
  7. Salt cravings, carbohydrate craving/intolerance.
  8. General irritability, “uptight,” “high strung.”
  9. Clouded thinking, confusion, disorientation, depression.
  10. Aging (calcified mitochondria)

Used by body for:

  1. Activates vital enzyme processes
  2. ATP production for energy
  3. Facilitates the release of calcium from bone in the presence of adequate amounts of vitamin D an parathormone.
  4. Stabilizes structures of proteins, enzymes, or ribozymes.
  5. Critical role in cell division.
  6. Critical role in DNA repair proteins.
  7. Required for production of cholesterol (and thereby all hormones).
  8. Low serum & intracellular magnesium concentrations are associated with insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance, and decreased insulin secretion.  Magnesium improves insulin sensitivity thus lowering insulin resistance.
  9. Carbohydrate metabolism
  10. Enhances binding of oxygen to hemoglobin.
  11. Magnesium deprived RBCs lack flexibility that allows them to enter tiny capillaries.
  12. Magnesium and zinc prevent the binding of carbon monoxide to haem (hemoglobin), which otherwise binds 25,000 time more strongly than oxygen.
  13. Magnesium drives calcium into bones.  It is magnesium that actually controls bone density, not calcium.  Magnesium drives
  14. For every 100mg per day increase in magnesium there was an approximate 2% increase in whole body bone mineral density.
  15. Magnesium functions as a non-toxic calcium channel blocker. 
  16. Up to 30% of the energy of cells is use to pump calcium out of the cells.
  17. Healthy cells have high magnesium content and a low calcium content. Usual gradient is 10,000x more calcium outside of the cells than inside. 
  18. Low magnesium levels in the mitochondria gradually calcify and energy production decreases. Calcificatioin of the mitochondria is the first step of cell aging. 
  19. Unabsorbed calcium can lodge anywhere in our body (bones, joints, heart, lungs, blood vessels, etc). 
  20. Magnesium is alkaline and dissolves calcium deposits in the soft tissues and organs that is characteristic of old-age-related degeneration of our body.
  21. Most common cause of death in dialysis patients is cardiovascular disease.  Due in part to presence of excess vascular calcification particularly extensive coronary artery calcification.  Due in part to dialysis patient use of calcium-containing phosphate binders.  Magnesium dissolves calcification.  If magnesium is insufficient calcium will be deposited in the soft tissues (kidneys/stones, arteries/atherosclerosis, joints/arthritis, brain/Alzheimer’s/Parkinson’s, etc).
  22. Magnesium actually controls bone density, not calcium.  Magnesium drives the calcium into the bones whereas low levels of magnesium encourage the loss of calcium. 
  23. Increasing magnesium intake in the elderly increases bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. 
  24. For every 100mg per day increase in (elemental) magnesium, there was an approximate 2% increase in whole body BMD. 
  25. Sodium thiosulfate (STS) is a calcium chelating agent with antioxidant properties.  STS has a small molecular weight of 248 (Na2S2O3).  Magnesium chloride and STS are useful in preventing and treating unwanted calcification. 
  26. Excess acidity equals soft-tissue calcifications.  Urine pH < 5.3 indicates an inability to assimilate vitamins or mineral.  Due to the alkalinity of minerals they loosen tumors.  Magnesium and sodium bicarbonate should be used to buffer acid pH. 
  27. The chemical reaction of magnesium is alkaline (acid-binding).  It regulates the acid-alkaline balance of the body. 
  28. Cellular metabolism creates acid waste that can accumulate quite rapidly under the right conditions.  Magnesium is an alkaline intracellular cation that helps to neutralize metabolic acids for removal across the cell membrane for excretion. 
  29. Increased oxidative stress, which correlates with pH changes almost exponentially into the acidic, is especially dangerous to the mitochondria, which suffer the greatest under oxidative duress. 
  30. Magnesium bicarbonate is a complex hydrated salt exists only in water under specific conditions.  The magnesium ion is Mg2+, and the bicarbonate ion is HCO3-.  So magnesium bicarbonate must have two bicarbonate ions: Mg(HCO3)2.  Magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate taken at full strength with water at slightly separated times are an ideal way to supply magnesium ions and bicarbonate ions to the body cells. 
  31. Ideal treatment to remineralize distilled or reverse osmosis water is to use magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate.  This makes a potent mitochondrial cocktail. 
  32. Good drinking water contains 125mg of magnesium and 650mg of bicarbonate per liter. 
  33. Magnesium and bicarbonate are mutually reinforcing minerals.  Magnesium functions as a bicarbonate co-transporter into cells.  Bicarbonate acts as a transporter of magnesium into the mitochondria. 
  34. Magnesium does not readily reach the mitochondria, but If plenty of bicarbonate is available, it will act as a transport into the mitochondria. 
  35. The few magnesium bicarbonate products are available for sale are expensive compared to using magnesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate individually. 
  36. Excess acid accumulation leads to oxygen deprivation and thus cell fermentation (in the cytoplasm vs oxidative respiration in the mitochondria).  Acid conditions lead to cell rot, another term for cancer. 
  37. Magnesium chloride supplies the important Mg+ ion.  Chloride is required to produce large quantity of gastric acid each day and is also needed to stimulate starch-digesting enzymes.
  38. Many aging individuals, especially with chronic diseases who desperately need magnesium, cannot produce sufficient hydrochloric acid; and then they cannot absorb the oxide or carbonate forms of magnesium. 
  39. Chloride and bromide compete for reabsorption in the kidneys.  Increasing the amount of chloride in the diet will allow the kidneys to release more bromide into the urine for excretion.  Bromide is a halogen like fluorine, chlorine, and iodine.  The halogens can displace each other in various molecules.  As such bromide and fluoride can displace iodine in molecules such as T4 rendering that molecule of thyroid hormone inactive.  Bromide is a common salt in many prescription medications (esp asthma meds) an is added to commercial breads.  Fluroride is added to tap water, toothpastes, and many antidepressants such as Prozac. 
  40. Magnesium stabilizes ATP, allowing DNA and RNA transcriptions and repairs. 
  41. Where does magnesium go but into cells and bones where most magnesium reserves are found?  Higher pH levels and the bicarbonate itself will help the magnesium leave the blood serum driving Mg2+ into the cells where again the bicarbonate will carry it from the cytoplasm into the mitochondria.  Thus magnesium and bicarbonate, when used together, would considerably increase the energy production in body cells.
  42. Mg2+ is critical for all of the energetics of the cells because it is absolutely required that Mg2+ be bound by ATP.  You should consider ATP as Mg-ATP. 
  43. Magnesium bicarbonate increases energy in two ways:  protecting the natural organic and inorganic phosphate buffers in the cytoplasm AND neutralizing the acid produced as a result of the metabolic processes and ATP hydrolysis. 
  44. ATP without Mg2+ bound cannot create the energy normally used by specific enzymes of the body to make protein, DNA, and RNA.  ATP without enough Mg2+ is non-functional and leads to cell death. 
  45. With low magnesium levels calcium builds up inside the cells while energy production decreases as the mitochondria gradually calcify.  Up to 30% of cell energy expenditure is used to pump calcium out of the cell. 
  46. Sulfur is one of the basic elements of life.  In fact, sulfur is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body.  The proper acid-alkaline balance of the body cannot be maintained without it. 
  47. Antioxidants that we take by mouth do not make their way into the mitochondria.  The body produces its own antioxidants within the mitochondria and these require sulfur which comes in the form of amino acids such as methionine, cysteine, and cystine.  Sulfur is the main source of antioxidants in the mitochondria. 
  48. Mitochondrial cocktail:  make your own distilled or RO water, add pinches of magnesium bicarbonate (MgCl + sodium bicarbonate) and sodium thiosulfate.  This cocktail will reach directly the level of the mitochondria whereas standard antioxidant supplements will not. 
  49. Sulfate is the most oxidized form of sulfur.  It does not need to be oxidized anymore, so supplementing or bathing in sulfate supplies what is lacking bc of the body’s inability to oxidize sulfur in foods.  This is especially important in autistic children who are very low in sulfate.  People with low or no ability to convert  compounds to sulfate have problems handling environmental chemicals, some medications, and even some chemicals produced within the body.  They include people with other conditions such as: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s rheumatoid arthritis, and chemical sensitivities. 
  50. Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate.  Epsom salts are topically absorbed to a lesser extent than magnesium chloride, plus they tend to dry out the skin more than magnesium chloride especially with frequent use.  Epsom salts are still a good source of magnesium but perhaps a better source of sulfate, plus they are much cheaper than magnesium chloride flakes for high intensity applications such as full body soaks.  Epsom salts are a good therapy for Mg and sulfate supplementation for autistic children and Alzheimer’s/Parkinson’s/RA patients. 
  51. MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane) is another excellent source of sulfur.  It’s actions include:  analgesic, anti-inflammatory, dilates blood vessels, and increases blood flow, blocks the action of cholinesterase, restores bowel activity, reduces muscle spasms, alters the cross-linking process in collagen, has anti-parasitic properties, immune-normalizing effects for autoimmune disease such as RA, lupus, and scleroderma. 
  52. One of sulfur’s most important roles is in carbohydrate metabolism.
  53. Sulfur is essential in enzymes, hormones, nerve tissue, and RBCs.  These sulfur bonds are crucial to human biology.
  54. Insulin has 3 sulfur-containing cross-linkages and the insulin receptor has a tyrosine-kinase-containing sulfur bond; these are the preferred targets for binding by both mercury and lead. 
  55. Should mercury attach to one of these sulfur bonds it will interfere with the normal biological functions of insulin.  The average adult inhales many trillions of mercury atoms a day from a mouth full of amalgam, fish provides trillions more, the air more, and in children, vaccines provide one-day surges of trillions of mercury molecules in the form of ethyl-mercury.  Insulin molecules are directly assaulted, as are insulin receptor sites. 
  56. Without sufficient amounts of magnesium, our cells calcify and rot.  They become breeding grounds for yeast and fungi colonies. 
  57. Over 300 different enzymes systems rely upon magnesium to facilitate their catalytic action, including ATP metabolism, creatine-kinase activation, adenylate-cyclase and sodium-potassium-ATP-ase. 
  58. Magnesium deficiency seem to be carcinogenic. 
  59. Magnesium protects cells from aluminum (Alzheimer’s), mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium, and nickel. 
  60. Magnesium has an effect on a variety of cell membranes through a process involving calcium channels and ion transport mechanisms.  Magnesium is responsible for the maintenance of the trans-membrane gradients of sodium and potassium. 
  61. Alcohol has always been known to deplete magnesium and is one of the first supplements given to alcoholics when they stop and attempt to detoxify and withdraw. 
  62. Radiation and chemotherapy force down magnesium levels. 
  63. Magnesium is the first thing that needs to be supplemented in cancer. 
  64. It takes about 3-4 months to drive up cellular magnesium levels to where they should be when treated intensely transdermally, but within days patient will commonly experience its lifesaving medical/healing effects. 
  65. Excessive calcium intake may include high blood calcium levels, kidney stone formation, kidney complications, arthritic/joint and vascular degeneration, calcification of soft tissue, hypertension, stroke, increase in VLDL triglycerides, GI disturbances, mood, depressive disorders, and chronic fatigue. 
  66. Recommendations of magnesium to calcium ratios typically range from 1:2 or 1:1.  Cancer patients should focus on 1:1 ratio for prevention and during the first 6 months of treatment a ratio of 10:1 is very helpful (ten parts magnesium to one part calcium). 
  67. Only real danger of extremely high magnesium levels comes with patients suffering from kidney failure. 
  68. Up to 30% of the energy used in cells is to pump calcium out of the cells. 
  69. Emergency situations call for 3 applications per day of transdermal magnesium.  Urgent, two treatments per day.  One strong treatment with an ounce of natural magnesium chloride solution spread all over the body like a sunscreen is a powerful systemic treatment. 
  70. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant that also regulates thyroid gland metabolism.  The enzyme that cleaves 1 iodine molecule from inactive prodrug T4 (levothyroxine) to make the activated T3 requires selenium to make that enzyme. 
  71. Selenium also binds strongly to mercury protecting use from its damaging effects.
  72. Selenium helps stop damaged DNA molecules from reproducing meaning it acts to prevent tumors from forming. 
  73. Zinc is needed for enzymes that regulate cell division, growth, wound healing, and proper functioning of the immune system.
  74. Zinc is an essential co-factor for a variety of cellular processes including:  DNA synthesis, behavioral responses, reproduction (infertility/low testosterone in men), bone formation, growth, and wound healing.
  75. Zinc is necessary to produce superoxide dismutase (SOD), which is a powerful antioxidant that breaks down the free-radical superoxide to a form of hydrogen peroxide.  This is required for the proper functioning of the T-lymphocytes.  Remember that white blood cells break down/oxidize/destroys “bad guys” by engulfing them and mixing them with an organelle full of hydrogen peroxide. 
  76. Zinc also plays a role in: acuity of taste and smell, genetics, immunity, formation of red blood cells, organ/muscle/bone function, cell membrane stability, cell growth/division/differentiation, and is vital for the metabolism of vitamin A.
  77. Within the cell wall is a sodium pump to provide high internal potassium and low internal sodium.  Magnesium and potassium inside the cell assist oxidation (ATP production/energy), and sodium and calcium outside the cell wall help transmit the energy produced.  The healthy cell wall favors intake of nutrients and elimination of waste products.
  78. Without sufficient magnesium the body accumulates toxins and acid residues, degenerates rapidly, and ages prematurely. 
  79. Research has shown that low levels of glutathione as being responsible for children’s vulnerability to mercury poisoning from vaccines.  Children receiving thimerosol-containing vaccines are sitting ducks to mercury when both magnesium and glutathione levels are low. 
  80. For every pesticide that your body detoxifies, you throw away or use up forever a molecule of glutathione, magnesium, and more. 
  81. Austism spectrum children display symptoms of low magnesium including:  restlessness, can’t sit still, body rocking, grinding teeth, hiccups, sensitive to noise, poor attention span, poor concentration, irritable, aggressive, ready to explode, or easily stressed. 
  82. Children are prone to magnesium deficiency bc:  foods they eat are stripped of magnesium as are most foods in general, foods they eat are highly processed junk foods that provide no real nutrition, they are not absorbing minerals based on compromised intestinal health (leaky gut etc), and oral magnesium supplements are not well absorbed.
  83. Heavy metal deposition in the brain precedes Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s.  Magnesium and other minerals like zinc and selenium displaces these toxic heavy metals from the body. 
  84. Any form of magnesium given during or after a stroke or heart attack helps to reduce mortality, minimize cell death, and speed recovery. 
  85. IV magnesium is often given in the ambulance and at the hospital for stroke and heart attacks victims.  However while at home before the ambulance arrives a family member can rub magnesium oil all over their body or quickly get in a bath loaded with 2-5 pounds of magnesium chloride flakes. 
  86. Magnesium protects and injured brain.  One of the most harmful chemicals in the brain is glutamate, an amino acid used in very low amounts by brain cells to communicate with each other.  During a stroke massive amounts of glutamate released produces a flood of calcium inside the brain cells which in turn causes them to die prematurely.  Magnesium is thought to prevent glutamate from causing this flood of calcium into the brain cells, preventing them from premature death. 
  87. Magnesium ions cross the intact blood-brain barrier efficaciously so that intravenous magnesium sulfate significantly raises cerebrospinal fluid and brain extracellular fluid magnesium to supraphysiologic levels.  Magnesium is neuroprotective.
  88. Magnesium interacts with N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor by antagonize the voltage sensitive calcium channels. 
  89. Magnesium inhibits the release of excitatory neurotransmitters at the presynaptic level and blocks voltage-gated calcium channels.  Mg has been shown to suppress anoxic depolarization and cortical spreading depression. 
  90. Magnesium is beneficial for many types of arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation, ventricular premature contractioins (PVCs), ventricular tachycardia, and severe ventricular arrhythmias.  Mg is also helpful in angina due to either spasm of the coronary artery or atherosclerosis.
  91. Almost all enzymatic processes using phosphorus as an energy source requires magnesium for activation.  This includes glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation.  Magnesium is bound to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) inside the cell.  Bicarbonate ions are involved in transporting magnesium into the mitochondria, thus deficiency of bicarbonate (acidosis) has a direct bearing on the heart tissue. 
  92. Magnesium Mg2+ is absolutely required to be bound (chelated) by ATP.  ATP without enough Mg2+ is non-functional and leads to cell death. 
  93. Energy is produced in our cells in the form of ATP molecules and our heart uses lots of them – about 6 kilograms (13.2 pounds) of ATP per day. 
  94. Magnesium plays a role in regulation of blood catecholamine concentrations including epinephrine and norepinephrine.
  95. A study published in “The Lancet” showed that magnesium in doses of 5-10 grams IV reduced the odds of cardiac death by an astounding 55%. 
  96. Magnesium is a potent vasodilator it opens up all the blood vessels.  Indeed patients can feel their blood vessels dilating as they are given IV magnesium – they warm up all over.  This has an immediate effect of reducing the work load on the heart and opening up the co-lateral circulation of the heart. 
  97. Magnesium is a natural calcium channel blocker and vasodilator.
  98. Magnesium inhibits the release of thromboxane, a substance that make blood platelets stickier. 
  99. Pharmacists should add magnesium supplements to the treatment of metabolic syndrome.  People with elevated blood glucose levels (metabolic syndrome) lose magnesium in their urine. 
  100. Magnesium in the bloodstream is crucial and the amount is guarded by powerful feedback mechanisms so it will usually look normal unless the levels in the tissues are dangerously low.
  101. If you suspect your family member or loved one is having a heart attack the first thing to do is apply magnesium oil before the ambulance even gets to your location.  You could literally be saving a life. 
  102. Magnesium is depleted from the blood during CABG, and if extracorporeal circulation is used as part of the procedure, the depletion is even greater than if not used. 
  103. Magnesium has an important role to play in preventing blood clots and keeping the blood thin – much like aspirin but without the side effects.
  104. Magnesium has an effective antithrombotic activity in vivo, and treatment with magnesium may lower the risk of thromboembolic-related disorders.
  105. Magnesium deficiency also predisposes to an increased clotting tendency in the blood and to an increased vulnerability of the arterial wall to damage from other factors. 
  106. Magnesium prevents blood clots and thins the blood without side effects.
  107. Magnesium has both a thrombolytic (able to dissolve thrombosis) effect and the ability to protect against adverse effects of stunning. 
  108. Magnesium alters pain processing and reduces the induction and maintenance of central sensitization by blocking the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor in the spinal cord.
  109. Magnesium infusion during general anesthesia reduces anesthetic consumption and analgesic requirements.
  110. Magnesium sulfate is used intravenously to prevent hypertensive crisis or seizures associated with toxemia of pregnancy.
  111. Personally I have just had two cataract operations and I used magnesium chloride eye drops that I made up myself using pure magnesium oil diluted 15 parts mineral water to 1 part magnesium.  This same diluted magnesium can be put into a nebulizer and can be used at home by patients both before and after surgery both orally and transdermally to great effect. Surgeons need to become familiar with transdermal approach for then they can start their patients off with heavy application weeks before surgery and for weeks after since this method of application can easily be done at home by patients.  It behooves everyone scheduled for surgery to increase their stores of magnesium through supplementation including using magnesium oil in baths, footbaths, or as a body spray.
  112. Magnesium protects brain tissue against the effects of cerebral ischemia, brain injury, and stroke through its actions as a calcium antagonist and inhibitor of excitatory amino acids.
  113. When magnesium level is low, the glutamate receptors become hypersensitive. 
  114. Memory and overall brain functioning depends on proteins in our brain such as NMDA receptors, which allow our neurons to communicate with each other. 
  115. Heavy magnesium supplementation would lead to better treatments for schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, and stroke.
  116. Magnesium depletion, particularly in the hippocampus, appears to represent an important pathogenic factor in Alzheimer’s disease.  It is associated with high aluminum incorporation into brain neurons. 
  117. Alzheimer’s disease is suggested to involve a defective transport process characterized by both an abnormally low Mg incorporation and an abnormally high aluminum incorporation into brain neurons. 
  118. Mercury accumulates in the brain, pituitary gland, CNS, liver, kidneys, etc and can damage, inhibit, and cause imbalances at very low levels of exposure.
  119. Multiple sclerosis is a disease that affects the CNS by damaging the myelin sheaths surrounding nerves.
  120. Magnesium is central to immunocompetence and plays a critical role in natural and adaptive immunity. 
  121. Magnesium protects the cells from aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium, and nickel.  Low levels of magnesium contribute to the heavy metal deposition in the brain that precedes Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s. 
  122. Rate and relapse in multiple sclerosis was found to be decreased with dietary magnesium supplements. 
  123. Nystagmus and epilepsy have been directly tied to magnesium deficiency.
  124. Iodine deficiency can lead to: goiter, cretinism, multiple sclerosis, amyotropic lateral sclerosis, cancer of the thyroid, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s. 
  125. People with MS may also have low levels of selenium or glutathione peroxidase, an enzyme produced from selenium. 
  126. Heavy metals like cadmium, lead, and mercury compete with nutritional magnesium, keeping it from availability to protect our cells.
  127. Magnesium is a crucial factor in the natural self-cleansing and detoxification responses of the body. 
  128. Cholesterol is crucial for health and is the mother of hormones from the adrenal cortex including: cortisone, hydrocortisone, aldosterone, and DHEA. 
  129. Pregnenolone is first in the cascade of hormones and is converted into other hormones such as DHEA (dihydroepiandrosterone) progesterone, testosterone, and various forms of estrogen.
  130. DHEA is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland and ovaries and converted to testosterone and estrogen. 
  131. Cholesterol cannot be synthesized without magnesium.
  132. Magnesium plays a role in the transmission of hormones (insulin, thyroid, estrogen, testosterone, DHEA, etc), neurotransmitters (dopamine, catecholamines, serotonin, GABA, etc), and mineral electrolytes.
  133. Magnesium status controls cell membrane potential and thus uptake and release of many hormones and neurotransmitters.
  134. Pituitary gland takes instructions from hypothalamus.  When pituitary magnesium levels get low it fails in its function of exercising a sort of thermostatic control over the adrenals, which are thus allowed to overproduce adrenaline.
  135. During perimenopause, there are wide fluctuations in the hormones estrogen, testosterone, FSH, LH, and progesterone, and it is these widely fluctuating hormone levels that can cause many problems, the least of which is hot flashes. 
  136. Estrogen causes a higher absorption and use of magnesium and zinc. Estrogen enables a female to get just enough magnesium out of a low-magnesium diet. 
  137. When estrogen levels drop the magnesium absorption drops and hypomagnesemia is the result.  Can manifest as severe depression or diabetes or hypoglycemia. 
  138. Use of contraceptives and estrogen replacement therapies cause magnesium deficiencies.
  139. DHEA is one of the primary biomarkers for aging.  Long range effect of large doses of magnesium in a usable form is to significantly raise DHEA levels and thus produce true age reversal results. 
  140. DHEA is a master hormone.
  141. Reports of women using magnesium oil sprayed in the vaginal area, vaginal dryness is decreased and sexual arousal is increased.
  142. Natural supplementation with magnesium is highly preferred over use of DHEA creams with their many precautions and can relieve many of these troublesome problems. 
  143. Balancing calcium with magnesium recommends a ratioi of 1:1 between calcium and magnesium for PMS symptoms. 
  144. Magnesium is necessary for serotonin synthesis.
  145. Magnesum chloride seems to provoke increases in DHEA levels.  Only way discovered so far to raise DHEA levels naturally is through transdermal application of magnesium chloride.
  146. Menstrual migraines can be aborted by intravenous magnesium infusions. Menstrual migraines can be prevented by administration of oral magnesium during the last 15 days of the menstrual cycle.
  147. Magnesium plays a significant role in preventing osteoporosis, increasing bone mineral density.  Without adequate magnesium, calcium cannot enter the bones.
  148. Magnesium plays a significant role in body temperature regulation (pituitary).  Magnesium is lowered during hyperthermia due to loss via sweat and diuresis.
  149. Magnesium affects carbohydrate metabolism, and is critical for diabetics.
  150. Diabetics both need more magnesium and lose more magnesium than most people. 
  151. Magnesium is necessary for the production, function, and transport of insulin. 
  152. Magnesium deficiency is associated with insulin resistance and increased platelet reactivity. 
  153. Diabetics with poor glucose control develop hypomagnesemia from a glucose-induced osmotic diuresis.
  154. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a state of inadequate insulin levels resulting in high blood sugar and accumulation of organic acids and ketones in the blood. It occurs when your muscle cells become so starved for energy that your body takes emergency measures and breaks down fat, a process that forms acids known as ketones. 
  155. Severe symptomatic hypermagnesemia is relatively rare.  But high levels of magnesium can develop in people with severe renal insufficiency or renal failure, because the kidneys lose the ability to remove excess magnesium. 
  156. Magnesium is regulated and excreted primarily by the kidneys (regulated by aldosterone). 
  157. Hypermagnesemia can also occur in people with hypothyroidism, people using magnesium containing antacids/laxatives/cathartics, and those with certain types of gastrointestinal disorders which can cause and increased absorption of magnesium.
  158. Diabetics need more magnesium and lose more magnesium than most people.
  159. Prolonged use of magnesium will prevent chronic complications from diabetes. 
  160. Poorly controlled diabetes increases loss of magnesium in the urine.
  161. Transdermal magnesium therapy is ideal for pain management.  The combo of heat and magnesium chloride increases circulation and waste removal.  The effects of magnesium baths is to draw inflammation out of the muscles/joints.
  162. Magnesium chloride when applied directly to the skin has an almost immediate effect on pain from back pain, sciatica, headaches, kidney stones, restless legs, etc.
  163. Transdermal magnesium is a boon for athletes, coaches, and doctors who practice sports medicine.
  164. Oral magnesium absorption relies upon the mineral’s staying power in the intestine for at least 12 hours.  If for any reason the transit time is less than 12 hours then magnesium absorption is drastically impaired.
  165. Open sea water has a magnesium content of 1300mg/Liter. 
  166. Driving force behind transdermal intake is the concentration gradient. 
  167. Magnesium content in the pure magnesium oil is about 80,000 mg/Liter and when you apply that directly to the skin, intake rate is high.
  168. In the case of bath application concentrations need to be brought up to between 1500 and 5000 mg/Liter (1-4 times the sea concentration).  Dead Sea therapy has a concentration of up to 40,000 mg/Liter magnesium and people bathe every day in these waters.
  169. Minerals like magnesium in ionic liquid form are superior to pill forms.
  170. Magnesium ions cross the intact blood-brain barrier efficaciously so that intravenous magnesium significantly raises magnesium levels in the cerebrospinal fluid and brain extracellular fluid.
  171. Therapeutic benefit of magnesium in acute symptoms such as headache pain; one gram of magnesium sulfate IV given to 40 patients in a headache clinic resulted in 80% of patients experiencing relief within 15 minutes. 
  172. Heart palpitations, “flutters” or racing heart, otherwise known as arrhythmias, usually clear up quite dramatically on 500mg of magnesium citrate (or aspartate) once or twice daily or faster if given intravenously.
  173. Lancet trial magnesium IV about 8 grams over 24 hour period (5-10grams) reduced odds of cardiac death by an astounding 55%. 
  174. Magnesium is a potent vasodilator.  Indeed patients can feel their body warming up as I give them IV magnesium, they warm up all over.
  175. Magnesium inhibits blood clotting and so reduces the likelihood of further clogging of the blocked artery.  It also protects against “stunning” or reperfusion injury. 
  176. The most important action of magnesium sulfate in an acute MI is to open up collateral circulation and relieve ischemia thus reducing infarct size and mortality rates.
  177. During myocardial infarction, serum magnesium drops.  Heart muscle cells have a high concentration of total magnesium of total magnesium (11-17 mmol/Liter of intracellular water).  Hypomagnesemia is plasma concentration below 0.7mmol/Liter, considered severe when < 0.5mmol/Liter.  This is a true depletion of magnesium in the organism. 
  178. In the emergency treatment of tetanus magnesium infused at doses providing serum concentrations of 2-4 mmol/Liter allowed good good control of spasms and muscle rigidity.  Intubation and ventilation were only required for 43% of patients and the overall death rate was 12%. 
  179. Infusion of 5g of magnesium IV over 6 hours for critically ill ICU patients caused:  heart rate came down within an average of 45 minutes; rhythm improved from irregular to regular and to good volume, urine output increased from almost oliguria (lack of urination) to 30-40ml/hr; creatinine reduced or did not rise any further, pulmonary edema resolved in 24 hours, lactic acidosis disappeared within 4-5 hours. 
  180. Palliative care and magnesium massage.  Nothing will make a person feel better than magnesium massage and that is why I recommend it universally even to patients at death’s door.  Massage has its application in both therapy and medicine.  Skin hunger is term applied to emotional response engendered by the loss of touch in society.  Massage, like most alternative cancer therapies, is most effective when used in conjunction with other treatments. Hospitalized patients recover more rapidly from injury and physical or psychiatric illness with attention to touch needs.  We simply use the magnesium oil like we would massage oils, or create a special blend mixing essential oil or other massage oils together with the magnesium chloride.  Combined with tissue manipulation that occurs during massage, the blood is also brought closer to the surface of the skin thus allowing faster absorption of magnesium chloride into the cells. 
  181. Magnesium absorption in the gut decreases with age.  Around the age of 70 it becomes two-thirds of what it usually is at around the age of 30. 
  182. It is much easier to apply magnesium oil to the skin of an elderly person than it is to submit them to force-feeding of food, pills, or IV administration of drugs to compensate for losses. 
  183. Reiki, Polarity, and Quantum Touch is just the pure application of touch.  Essentially a person simply puts their warm hands on certain areas of the body and just holds them there.  Scientifically we know that infrared is radiated out through the hands and this all by itself has its physiologic effect.
  184. Heat enhances the transdermal delivery by increasing skin permeability, body fluid circulation, blood vessel wall permeability, rate-limiting membrane permeability, and drug solubility. 
  185. Sweat, sauna, and clay create channels of elimination of chemicals and heavy metals from the body. 
  186. Magnesium sulfate is much more rapidly excreted through the kidneys than is magnesium chloride.  The effects of magnesium chloride last much longer in the body. 
  187. Dr Gary Gordon wrote, “If you have compromised cell membranes or low ATP production for any reason, then the cell has trouble maintaining the normal gradient.  This is because the usual gradient is 10,000 times more calcium outside of cells than inside; when this is compromised you will have increased intracellular calcium, which seems to always happen at the time of death.  Whenever intracellular calcium is elevated, you have a relative deficiency of magnesium, so whenever anyone is seriously ill, acute or chronic, part of their plan must be to restore magnesium, which is poorly absorbed through oral means.”
  188. Magnesium is basically the antidote to calcium.  When there is not enough magnesium, calcium runs wild, constricting arteries and making the body more rigid. 
  189. Mildred Seelig Ph.D., renowned researcher of magnesium predicts it would take 6 months to normalize magnesium levels in a woman who is magnesium deficient with oral supplementation. 
  190. Currently, the most widely accepted treatments for asthma include beta2-adrenergic agonists and corticosteroids.  The search for treatment alternatives for bronchoconstriction in acute asthma has led to the use of nebulized magnesium.  It has been suggested that magnesium acts as a smooth muscle relaxant by interfering with calcium uptake.  The study concluded that serial doses of nebulized magnesium sulfate had bronchodilatory effects similar to those noted with nebulized albuterol. 
  191. These studies strongly suggest that nebulized magnesium would be effective for safe treatment of acute exacerbations of asthma, either as a sole agent or in combination with other medicines.  For this application I only recommend the purest magnesium chloride (Ancient Minerals).  Even the pharmaceutical and higher grades have heavy metal contamination so are not suitable. 
  192. Nebulizing bicarbonate.  Bronchial secretions during attack of bronchial asthma are acidic.  He recommends putting one soupspoon sodium bicarbonate in one-half liter water and inhaling it with a fast inhaler in half and hour; six days on, six days off when in IV break phases.  Nebulized sodium bicarbonate should be used in concentrations of less than two percent (which generally means about a 4:1 dilution of standard eight percent sodium bicarbonate). 
  193. Magnesium is necessary for the normal function of over 300 enzyme systems, for muscle relaxation, immune function, cardiac, function, clotting, nerve conduction, etc. 
  194. The real value in Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) is not the magnesium, which is not easily absorbed or retainable in that form.  It’s the sulfur and the best way to get sulfur into the body is with MSM or sodium thiosulfate. 
  195. All magnesium supplements have to be converted to magnesium chloride so, you might as well use the chloride form to begin with. 
  196. Epsom salt is rapidly excreted through the kidneys and therefore difficult to assimilate.  This would explain in part why the effects from Epsom salt baths do not last long and why you need more magnesium sulfate in a bath than magnesium chloride to get similar results. 
  197. Epsom salts are used specifically by parents of children with autism because of the sulfate, in which they are usually deficient.  Sulfur is crucial to the body and is wasted in the urine of autistic children. 
  198. For purposes of cellular detoxification and tissue purification, the most effective form of Mg2+ is magnesium chloride, which has a strong excretory effect on toxins and stagnant energies stuck in the tissues of the body, drawing them out through the pores of the skin.
  199. Chloride is required to produce a large quantity of gastric acid each day and is also needed to stimulate starch-digesting enzymes. Chloride combines with hydrogen in the stomach to from HCl which is responsible for breakdown of proteins, absorption of other metallic minerals, activation of intrinsic factor which is needed in turn to absorb vitamin B12.  Without chloride the body would be unable to maintain fluids in blood vessels, conduct nerve transmissions, move muscles, or maintain proper kidney function.  Chloride performs many roles, and is rapidly excreted from the body. 
  200. ATP is the main energy source in cells, must be bound to a magnesium ion in order to be biologically active.  What is called ATP is often actually Mg-ATP. 
  201. It is little known that bicarbonate ions act as afterburners, thrusting the magnesium into the mitochondria, so when we combine magnesium therapy with bicarbonate we gain in cellular performance. 
  202. Strenuous exercise apparently increases urinary and sweat losses that may increase magnesium requirements by 10-20%.  Magnesium intake less than 260mg/day for male or 220mg/day for female athletes may result in a magnesium-deficient status. 
  203. A magnesium shortfall can cause a partial uncoupling of the respiratory chain, increasing the amount of oxygen required to maintain ATP production.  (As Mg falls ATP per oxygen molecule produced by the Krebb’s cycle drops from 38 ATP/oxygen to as low as 2 ATP/oxygen and therefore more oxygen is needed to maintain ATP production rates at a lower efficiency).
  204. Magnesium shortfall boosts the energy cost, and hence oxygen use. 
  205. It is commonly thought that magnesium intake above the RDA are unlikely to boost athletic performance, but there is no evidence to support this assertion.  RDAs are almost universally underestimated.  For athletes, RDAs do not take into account the extra demands and needs of an athlete’s body.  An athlete should be thinking many times the RDA if he or she wishes to maximize athletic performance. 
  206. Maximal contraction of the quadriceps is positively correlated to serum magnesium status.
  207. 30 mg of zinc and 450mg of magnesium daily can elevate testosterone levels up to 30%. 
  208. Muscle endurance and total work capacity, declines with nutritional deficiency of magnesium and zinc. 
  209. Large amounts of magnesium are lost when a person is under stress. 
  210. Transdermal magnesium chloride mineral therapy enhances recovery from athletic activity or injuries. 
  211. What we promise is an increase in oxygen-carrying capacity and supercharged mitochondrial function.  In addition, RBCs will become healthier, cell walls more permeable, cellular waste removal amplified, tissues more flexible, and general pH heightened.  Vitally important for the athlete is detoxification and actual chelation of heavy metals and other dangerous toxic chemicals from the tissues.  Sports physicians should know that the danger of dying in sports competitions is augmented by increases in mercury contamination in the heart tissues.  But they don’t teach athletes how to remove the mercury or better yet how to avoid mercury contamination in the first place. 
  212. Athletes should never allow a dentist to put mercury fillings in their mouths or take yearly flu shots that contain mercury.  Any and all kinds of heavy metal accumulation will hurt cellular respiration as well as oxygen-carrying capacity. 
  213. Magnesium and bicarbonate are the most important minerals to sports nutrition. 
  214. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) facilitates the removal of hydrogen ions from the muscle cell so as to help maintain the muscle cell near its optimal pH for enzyme functions and energy production.  pH in the muscle cells is slightly alkaline while at rest.  Normally it is at this level that enzymes that produce energy via the lactic acid and oxygen energy systems perform at their optimum.  As the concentration of hydrogen ions and acidity increases in the muscle cells optimal functioning of enzymes will be disturbed and energy production will decrease. 
  215. Fatigue results because of increased acid production within the muscle cell when the lactic acid energy system is used during high intensity exercise.  During exercise the lactic acid produced appears to be buffered almost entirely by the sodium bicarbonate in the blood.  Our body produces and uses plain old baking soda to protect its blood from acidity. 
  216. When we sweat we lose water, electrolytes , principally sodium and magnesium. Other minerals secreted in sweat include:  zinc, chromium, and selenium.  Selenium is an important for athletes with mercury dental fillings as it neutralizes the toxic effects of mercury. 
  217. Electrolytes Essential to Exercise:  sodium (muscle contraction nerve transmission) performance daily intake (PDI) 1500-4500mg, chloride (peak muscle function), potassium (muscle contraction nerve transmission glycogen formation) PDI 2500-4000mg, magnesium (muscle relaxation, ATP energy production) PDI 400-800mg, calcium (bone health, nerve transmission, muscle contraction) PDI 1200-1600mg). 
  218. Liquid magnesium chloride can be simply sprayed and rubbed into a sore Achilles tendon to decrease swelling.  And soaking the feet in a magnesium chloride footbath is the single best thing – apart from stretching – that you can do to protect yourself from or recover from hamstring and other injuries. 
  219. Sports massage with magnesium oil is Nirvana for athletes, as pre-event rubdown or post-event recovery.  A typical treatment of sports injuries includes massage, gentle rthmical movements (harmonics), stretching, and articulatory and manipulative techniques.  Emphasis is placed on increasing range of movement, decreasing muscle tension, and improving circulation of the blood vessels and lymphatic system. 
  220. NOTE:  always apply magnesium oil before touching or putting ice on an injury.  The first thing we want rushing to any area of pain and inflammation is magnesium. 
  221. Magnesium is the single most important mineral to sports nutrition.  Part of the secret why athletes die young – magnesium levels in tissue analysis of athletes who die of heart attacks are usually very low while mercury levels are often very high. 
  222. Every back pain patient should be applying magnesium chloride both transdermally (topically) and orally to treat the fundamentals of inflammation, pain, and calcification.  Both magnesium baths and magnesium massages top the list of treatments that are tremendously helpful when dealing with back pain and neck pain. 
  223. Heat is often applied with a pad to areas of back pain.  Heat makes blood vessels get larger, increases blood flow and oxygen levels.  Using sodium bicarbonate and magnesium chloride orally will increase oxygen transport and will further dilate blood vessels bringing even more blood to the area.  Heat also helps to reduce inflammation and the buildup of fluid in tissues (edema).  Heat therapy is used to treat inflammation (including various forms of arthritis), muscle spasm, and injuries such as sprains and strains. 
  224. Heat may be applied to the body’s surface or to deep tissues.  Hot packs, infrared heat, paraffin (heated wax), baths, and hydrotherapy (agitated warm water) provide surface heat.  Heat may be generated in deep tissues by electric currents (diathermy) or high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound). 
  225. Magnesium puts the chill on inflammation.  If you sprain your ankle, your immune system creates a protein called circulating immune complex (CIC).  The swelling is protective as it prevents you from moving and causing more irritation.  This is also your body’s way of running to the problem with fresh blood, antibodies, and vital cells in order to begin healing and repairing the damage. 
  226. A hot magnesium bath is a great treatment choice for most people’s low-back pain and is more indicated than icing. 
  227. Pregnancy cannot be normal unless magnesium levels are adequate.  Pregnancy should be considered a condition of “physiological hypomagnesemia.”
  228. Use of pharmaceutical contraceptives is known to diminish magnesium stores in the body. 
  229. Magnesium is frequently used as the treatment for stopping premature labor and the seizures of eclampsia upon onset, bet even more helpful would be to prevent these events by supplementing magnesium throughout the course of pregnancy.
  230. Even worse is the evidence that magnesium deficiency or depletion is involved in the etiology of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). 
  231. The evidence is clear that inadequate magnesium intake is common during pregnancy and that the plasma levels of magnesium tend to fall, especially during the first and third trimesters of pregnancy. 
  232. Reduction of mental retardation when magnesium was provided during pregnancy.  Studies also show magnesium during pregnancy reduces the incidence of cerebral palsy.  Magnesium administered to pregnant women delivering before 32 weeks of gestation reduced the risk of cerebral palsy by 50%. 
  233. Role of magnesium begins its importance during pregnancy when it helps build and repair body tissue in both mother and fetus.  A severe deficiency during pregnancy may lead to preeclampsia, birth defects, and infant mortality.  Magnesium can also help keep the uterus from contracting until week 35. 
  234. The underlying pathophysiology of gestational diabetes is a function of decreased maternal insulin sensitivity or increased insulin resistance, both of which are affected by magnesium; adequate magnesium levels reduce insulin resistance and increase insulin sensitivity. 
  235. For many women, the height of luxury is soaking in a warm and even hot therapeutic bath.  Adding magnesium to the bath (bicarbonate included) will benefit both mother and fetus in very important ways. 
  236. Lack of sleep causes memory problems, depressed mood, and body chemistry changes that foster heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis. 
  237. A risk factor for low magnesium status in older women is the use of calcium supplements for bone health without sufficient magnesium.  High calcium intakes can make magnesium deficiency worse. 
  238. Magnesium has a calming effect on the nervous system and is considered the “anti-stress” mineral and a natural tranquilizer.  In elderly, magnesium supplements were found to improve sleep by decreasing the release of cortisol, a known cause of sleep disruption. 
  239. Stress depletes magnesium and magnesium relieves stress.  When we are under stress our need for magnesium skyrockets. 
  240. Nutritional sources of magnesium include:  hard water, dark green vegetables, nuts, and beans. 
  241. Lack of sleep can lead to chronic fatigue, which is associated with sudden-death heart attack. 
  242. Sleep disorders caused by magnesium deficiency are usually agitated with frequent nocturnal awakenings.  Magnesium helps people fall asleep faster and stay asleep. 
  243. Insomnia is one of the central, or neurotic, symptoms of chronic magnesium deficiency.  A number of parasomnias (night terrors, nocturnal verbal and motor automatisms, restless leg syndrome) are highly correlated to magnesium deficiency. 
  244. Spirulina is offered as the ideal complement to transdermal magnesium chloride therapy.  Spirulina is high in chlorophyll and provides a complete list of all the minerals and trace elements as well as amino acids and fatty acids we need to sustain life.  Anything that has chlorophyll has magnesium since magnesium is at the center of the chlorophyll molecule. 
  245. Magnesium is regulated and excreted primarily by the kidneys where various ATPase enzymes are responsible for maintaining homeostasis. 
  246. Magnesium toxicity can occur in people with hypothyroidism, those using Mg-containing meds such as antacids/laxatives/cathartics, and in those with certain types of GI disorders such as colitis/gastroenteritis/gastric dilation which may cause an increased absorption of Mg.
  247. Rick of Mg toxicity is usually related to severe renal insufficiency when kidney loses the ability to remove excess magnesium. 
  248. People with severe renal insufficiency should avoid magnesium supplementation or approach it very carefully starting with very low dosages. 
  249. Supplementing in children with dehydration or renal failure is also contraindicated.  So before beginning any kind of magnesium treatment, any dehydration needs to be addressed. 
  250. Mg is found in higher levels in semen than serum.  Infertile men had about half the semen magnesium as fertile men.
  251. Magnesium applied to the mucous membranes.  “One reason that women in general may be slower to orgasm than men is because they have a far more complex system of arteries, veins, and capillaries in the pelvic area than men that must be fully engorged for orgasm to occur.”
  252. “A person who feels uncomfortable with his or her sexuality will unconsciously tense the muscles in the genitals, thighs, anus, and buttocks, preventing the free flow of blood into the area and thereby limiting the possibility for complete arousal.  But a person who can relax and allow energy in the form of blood to flow into the pelvic area and genitals will enjoy the sensations of building excitement.” 
  253. In men, decreased Mg levels give rise to vasoconstriction from increased thromboxane level, increased endothelial intracellular Ca2+, and decreased nitric oxide.  This may lead to premature emission and ejaculation processes. 
  254. It is known that Mg causes nitric oxide independent coronary artery vasodilation in humans.  Mg is thought to behave like a calcium channel blocker at the cellular level. 
  255. Magnesium prevents the deposition of calcium along the arterial wall at point of micro-injury, which is the crucial role it plays in the prevention of both atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis. 
  256. Thyroid hormone is responsible for regulation of energy production and mitochondrial function.  Mitochondria possesses thyroid hormone receptors (T2 & T3).  Enzyme utilization of ATP generated by mitochondria requires complex formation with magnesium, generally in a 1:1 ratio.  Magnesium is essential for protein synthesis, cell replication, and activation of the sodium-potassium pump, as well as regulation of calcitonin and parathyroid hormone. 
  257. Magnesium treatment has been repeatedly shown to reduce the incidence of both temporary and permanent noise-induced hearing loss and supplementation is now being found to significantly improve acute-onset hearing loss. 
  258. Magnesium deficiency alters cellular mitochondrial function and accelerates the senescent phenotype and may promote or exacerbate age related disease. 
  259. Transdermal application of magnesium chloride alone has the ability to raise an important marker of aging – DHEA levels.  DHEA in turn is converted to testosterone; so supplementing Mg and zinc helps to boost DHEA levels and ultimately testosterone. 
  260. Stress increases catecholamine and corticoid release, which in turn causes magnesium loss.  Catecholamines also increase myocardial Calcium uptake.  Since low Mg/Ca ratios increase catecholamine secretion a vicious cycle is thus established when Mg deficiency preexists. 
  261. Depression can best and most easily treated with magnesium. 
  262. Frequently in times of stress depletes Mg levels in our bodies. 
  263. Alcohol increases urinary magnesium excretion by as much as 260% above baseline values.  This happens within minutes of ingestion.
  264. Magnesium deficiency causes serotonin-deficiency with possible resultant aberrant behaviors, including depression, suicide, or irrational violence. 
  265. Zinc is also an important mineral and is involved with psychiatric disorders.  Over 90 metallo-enzymes require zinc and the functioning of the brain is dependent on adequate levels of zinc. 
  266. Magnesium deficiency or imbalance plays a role in the symptoms of mood disorders (aggression, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorder, depression, and schizophrenia).
  267. Magnesium ions have nutritional and pharmacologic actions that safely protect against the neurotoxicity of many agents up to and including stress from environmental noise and physical trauma.  
  268. If we look at the whole picture what do we see?  Children are born under medical stress with unnatural procedures and drugs, they are then vaccinated, i.e. bombarded with chemicals, they are dosed out with antibiotics, they eat nutritionally-deficient food, they watch inordinate amounts of television, they suffer through educational curriculums that, to them, have no relevance in their lives, they undergo exposure to thousands of chemical poisons in the environment and at home, they get more vaccines, they stuff their faces to the point of obesity while suffering from malnutrition, only to have to suffer through being further drugged by psychiatrists for becoming the mess they have become.  Magnesium should be substituted for these drugs not only because it is more effective in relieving neurological disorders but also because it is vastly safer than any pharmaceutical. 
  269. Long term, stress-induced depression often results when magnesium levels fall to dangerously low levels in the body.  One of the reasons it does this is because the stress itself depletes already meager cellular magnesium stores.
  270. Calcium oxalate kidney stones are a recognized sign of magnesium deficiency.
  271. Patients who have migraines have lower blood levels of magnesium than patients who don’t have migraines.  Magnesium, riboflavin (B2), coenzyme Q10 are all good treatment options for the prevention of migraines. 
  272. 1996 German study showed that migraine sufferers who took 600mg/day Mg daily for 12 weeks had 41.6% fewer attacks and the beneficial effects were seen by the ninth week of treatment. 


  1. Magnesium oil massage
  2. RDA men 420mg/day, RDA women 320mg/day
  3. Pour a high concentration of magnesium chloride into your hot bath, perhaps with a pound or two of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) added in. 
  4. 2-4 pounds of magnesium flakes for professional use in clinics or spas in full body soaks.
  5. 3 pounds of magnesium chloride flakes (which is equivalent to a gallon of oil) in an adult bath.
  6. You can also use Dead Sea salts (high magnesium content) or Epsom salts but they will not quite reach the concentration level that magnesium chloride will. 
  7. Best practice for magnesium medicine is to combine transdermal application with oral administration for concentrated doses that achieve maximum therapeutic effects. 
  8. Each spray of magnesium oil contains approximately 18mg of elemental magnesium.  An ounce would contain just over 3,300 mg.  Five sprays in a glass of water would thus be almost 100mg. 
  9. From 3-5 to as much as 10-15 sprays of magnesium chloride in a glass of pure water or juice is an excellent way to take magnesium internally. 
  10. A sane rule of thumb for magnesium supplementation is approximately 6-8 mg/kg (3-4mg per pound) bodyweight per day.  That translates into a dietary magnesium intake of 600-900 mg per day for a 200-lb man.  This is already double the RDA. 
  11. Some researchers indicate children to supplement at 10mg/kg/day bc of their low body weight and increased requirements for growth.
  12. In general, for a large adult, spraying an ounce or more of magnesium oil a day all over the body is recommended for six months to recover cellular levels.
  13. Magnesium chloride and vitamin C have similar toxicity profiles with overdose from both resulting at worst usually in diarrhea unless the kindeys are seriously compromised. 
  14. Strong therapeutic foot soaks are another option and are important for diabetics who suffer from diabetic neuropathy. 
  15. Soak the whole body or just the feet in bath water for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of about 108 degrees.  The most effective protocol for this therapy is to begin with a daily full-body bath or footbath every day for the first seven days (starting at lighter concentrations and building your way up), then continue with a maintenance program of 2-3 times a week for 6-8 weeks or longer. 
  16. Muscle spasms might occur on rare occasions if one forgets to get out of the tub so it is necessary to supervise children and the length of time they remain soaking in magnesium chloride.  All strong reactions like redness in local areas to diarrhea or even muscle spasms are indications to reduce concentration. 
  17. Magnesium oil can and should be diluted when applying directly to the skin (especially with children) if redness or “stingy” feelings result in uncomfortable feelings or sensations. 
  18. Food sources of magnesium: spirulina, chili with beans, wheat germ, halibut, swiss chard, peanut roasted, baked potato with skin, spinach.
  19. As a highly effective deodorant, 2-3 sprays under each armpit works well, while at the same time transporting magnesium swiftly through the skin into the glands, lymph channels, and bloodstream for distribution throughout the body. 
  20. Spray it onto the back of the hands or top of feet any time of the day or night for continuous magnesium absorption. 
  21. Optimize oral intake through several daily administrations, totaling approximately 2-12 times the RDA for magnesium (600-5000 mg elemental magnesium). This gradually increasing oral protocol achieves higher levels through increasing daily dosage amounts gradually in response to patient tolerance and using a more well-tolerated form of magnesium, preferably a magnesium chloride solution.  Total intake is divided over several doses per day and taken with copious amounts of water. 
  22. Orally administered magnesium dosage levels can be increased gradually over time from about 250-500mg elemental magnesium/day to between 600-5000 mg/day elemental magnesium.
  23. Magnesium chloride can be administered intravenously, intramuscularly, and orally as well as vaporized through a nebulizer, and as a lotion transdermally.
  24. Body Spray:  simply spray all over the body after a bath or a shower, before bedtime or anytime.  If the salt solution is too strong making the skin feel uncomfortable, dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio (this is especially helpful for kids). 
  25. Massage:  Massage into the body 2-3 times a week. 
  26. Body Rub:  same as a massage, only done more quickly. 
  27. Bath:  use 1-3 times a week.  Use several cups to several pounds of magnesium bath flakes in very warm water before bedtime. 
  28. Foot Bath:  Used daily, it will improve circulation in the legs and help heal ulcers.
  29. Compress:  Either hot or cold depending on condition.  For inflammations and recent injuries where tissues are painful, hot and swollen, use a cool compress.  To keep it cool, use an ice pack to apply on top of the soaked cloth.  For chronic nagging aches, muscle tension, or back pain, use warm to hot magnesium compresses.  A warm magnesium chloride compress applied on the on the forehead and the back of the neck and head will help relieve a tension headache and a migraine.  The same compress will relieve aching muscles after strenuous exercise.  Use locally on affected areas, such as legs, joints, etc.  Use one part magnesium oil or flakes to 3-4 parts water or even use pure magnesium oil.  Soak a cloth, apply on the area, wrap around with cling film and then with a warm scarf.  Leave on for 1-3 hours or even overnight. 
  30. Gargle, Mouthwash:  mix with warm water (1:3 ratio), gargle or rinse mouth in cases of an infection.  When used in full strength in the mouth we strengthen both teeth and gums.  Use it diluted as a mouthwash and then swallow what is in my mouth for oral supplementation. 
  31. Vaginal Douche:  Mix with water as above.  Use for thrush or other minor infections with sodium bicarbonate. 
  32. Body Wraps:  Use body wraps to relieve aches, pains, stress, or to boost circulation or metabolism.
  33. Nebulized:  magnesium chloride oil should be nebulized as an isotonic solution – delivering 7.5g magnesium chloride per 100mL of distilled water – closely equal to 3.5 tsp of magnesium oil per 3oz distilled water.  Nebulized magnesium is well tolerated without any adverse effects. 
  34. Some people, especially children, might develop a rash from using magnesium oil when applied directly to the skin.  If this happens was off the oil quickly.  In such cases dilue the magnesium oil 50:50 with distilled or mineral water.  As the body acclimates to the magnesium, the full concentration can eventually be applied.  Start low and work up gradually to higher doses.  Whenever any kind of uncomfortable reaction occurs this is a sign to lower the dosage or concentration. 


  1. Only 1% of magnesium stores are EXTRAcellular.  This is why blood tests do NOT correlate with intracellular magnesium levels.
  2. Insulin responsible for transporting magnesium from blood into cells.
  3. Without magnesiuim insulin is unable to transfer glucose into cells.
  4. Half of magnesium is stored in soft tissue (active use) and the other half in bone (long term storage). 
  5. 75% of population is deficient in magnesium.


  1. Improves insulin sensitivity
  2. Reduces triglyceride levels
  3. Increases HDL
  4. Prevents blood vessels from constricting
  5. Prevents ischemic damage from heart attacks and strokes and aids in recovery.
  6. Enhances binding of oxygen to hemoglobin.
  7. Aids in hypertension.
  8. Rubbed consistently onto age spots will often produce fading and most will disappear.
  9. Massaged into arthritic joints will frequently render almost instant reprieve from pain.
  10. Sprayed into the mouth a number of times per day will invigorate the medulla elongate and stimulate enamel on the teeth.
  11. Assists in prevention of diabetes.
  12. Assists in prevention of strokes and aids in recovery.
  13. Improves insomnia issues.
  14. Improves cardiac health.
  15. Improves overall energy production (Mg is bound to ATP).
  16. Crucial for removal of toxins and heavy metals.
  17. Helps build bones and make proteins.
  18. Sprayed on wrinkled skin will, in due course, begin to smooth them out.
  19. Is an anti-cholesterol aid.
  20. Addresses asthma (both histamine production and bronchial spasms increase with magnesium deficiency).
  21. Prevents cystitis-bladder spasms.
  22. Prevents premenstrual syndrome and cramping during menses.
  23. Raynaud’s syndrome: assists in the relaxation of spastic blood vessels that cause pain and numbness of the fingers.
  24. Has been utilized in treating central nervous symptoms of vertigo and confusion.
  25. Addresses musculoskeletal conditions such as fibrositis, muscle spasm, eye twitches, neck and back pain, and fibromyalgia. 
  26. For anxiety and panic attacks: helps by keeping adrenal stress hormones under control.
  27. Increases DHEA. 


  1. Magnesium is to the body like oil is to a car’s engine.

What factors decrease magnesium levels? 

  • Rx drugs
  • Heavy metals (like mercury dental fillings) and toxins
  • Preservatives in processed foods
  • RoundUp (glyphosate) toxicity
  • Processed out of tap water.
  • Diets low in green leafy vegetables and high in processed foods.
  • Alcohol (pee out magnesium)
  • Gut issues affecting absorption (IBS, leaky gut, Chrone’s).
  • Vaccines
  • Radiation
  • Chemicals

How do you measure magnesium levels?

  • Serum (blood) levels of magnesium are misleading.  <1% of magnesium is circulating in the blood.  49% is in the soft tissues being actively used by cells.  50% is stowed away in long term storage in the bones. 
  • The body has many failsafe mechanisms that keeps magnesium concentration in the blood fairly stable at 3.5-5.  If the magnesium level in the blood drops the heart will stop beating.  So the body will sacrifice the magnesium stores in the bone and soft tissues to keep the blood levels stable. 
  • It is reasonable to assume in today’s toxic world that everyone has some form of magnesium deficiency or could benefit from additional magnesium.  Perhaps the best way to test for magnesium deficiency is to begin taking magnesium and see if you feel better or specific symptoms improve. 
  • Most popular magnesium test is for blood serum levels.  Mg is mainly an intracellular ion, measurement of total serum Mg is an inaccurate index of intracellular or total magnesium stores. 
  • Although your serum levels may be maintained within normal limits, there could be a deficiency in tissues that is not being detected.
  • The body tightly controls the level of magnesium in the blood because if that level falls, a heart attack is never that far away. 
  • Serum levels of magnesium must be kept within a tight range or the heart stops.  Therefore serum levels are maintained at the expense of levels inside cells. 
  • Less than 1% of our body’s total magnesium can be measured in our blood; the rest is found in the cells and tissues of the body where it is needed for crucial cell processes. 
  • When we are under stress, our body dumps magnesium into the blood giving the mistaken appearance of normal levels even when the rest of the body is terribly deficient. 
  • Total RBC magnesium test:  measures levels of Mg in RBCs.  Not as accurate a measurement of tissue levels as the ionized magnesium test. 
  • Ionized Magnesium test:  blood ionized magnesium test correlates well with intracellular free magnesium levels. 
  • Intracellular free magnesium test:  nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.  But is impractical because of the cost and lack of routine availability. 
  • Sublingual magnesium assay:  buccal cell smear test or “exatest” is safe, non-invasive test that accurately measures minerals inside cells.  Doctor painlessly collects a sample from under your tongue and affixes it to a slide.  The slide is then sent to IntraCellular Diagnostics for analysis.
  • Magnesium Loading Test:  measures urinary excretion in response to a loading dose.  Considered an accurate test when renal function is normal. 

Who should not take magnesium?

  • Kidney disease – excess magnesium is excreted through the kidneys.  People with end stage kidney disease cannot get rid of excess magnesium and therefore run the risk of magnesium intoxication if they supplement with too much magnesium. 
  • Chronic magnesium antacid and laxative use (Maalox, Mylanta, magnesium citrate, milk of magnesia).  People taking large doses of these magnesium containing meds run a greater risk of magnesium intoxication with the additional use of magnesium supplements. 
  • Altered intestinal issues such as IBS, crohn’s disease, leaky gut which can greatly alter magnesium absorption.  This can be nullified by administering magnesium transdermally. 

How much magnesium do I need?

  • The average person needs ~400mg elemental magnesium per day. 
  • Most people consume less than half of the RDA of magnesium from diet. 
  • You must also factor other causes for magnesium excretion such as prescription drugs or alcohol consumption.  You must also factor for other reasons that increase magnesium demand such as exercise, sweating, and athletic performance. 
  • Many years on decades of magnesium deficiency can lead to many physical symptoms while blood levels appear within normal range.  In order to restore the body’s magnesium stores a person may need to consume 2-3 times the RDA (800-1200mg/day) for several weeks on months to bring the magnesium levels with the cells back up to a surplus. 
  • In order to achieve 2-3 times the RDA of magnesium can be achieved by combining multiple forms of magnesium supplementation:
    • 1 form of oral magnesium
    • Transdermal magnesium oil
    • Eating diet high in magnesium rich foods
    • Full body or foot soaks in magnesium. 
  • A gradual decline of dietary magnesium in the United States from a high of 500mg/day at the turn of the last century to barely 175-225mg/day today.
  • How do I know if my body is magnesium deficient?  Are you under mild to moderate stress caused by physical or psychological disease, physical injury, athletic exertion, or emotional upheaval?  If so your requirements for magnesium escalate.  Nowadays, who is not under increasing stress?
  • One of the best ways to determine if you are magnesium deficient is to start applying magnesium chloride transdermally to the body in low doses and to see if, within days or perhaps hours, you feel better. 
  • If you are intensely deficient you might feel discomfort when applying the magnesium chloride at first (skin irritation). 
  • There is no reason for anyone to wait to add more magnesium into their body.  In today’s toxic world the most basic condition that leads to disease is the one-two punch of dietary deficiency faced with rising levels of toxicity in the body.  Everyone is exposed to dangerous chemicals that are penetrating and accumulating in the body.
  • The ultimate and most dependable indicator of magnesium deficiency is your health. 
  • If you drink alcohol you will lose more Mg.

What are the side effects of magnesium supplements?

  • Most common way that magnesium taken by mouth is excreted is through the bowel.  Magnesium is considered a saline laxative as it draws water into the bowel for evacuation.  Therefore, loose stools are the most common side effect of magnesium.  If loose stools occur the magnesium dose can be reduced or spaced out across the day.  Over time your body will become for efficient at processing magnesium and the loose stools will become less pronounced.
  • Irritation/tingling upon application to the skin.  This too will lessen over time and consistent use.  If the full strength magnesium oil is too irritating to the skin it can be diluted to a 50:50 ratio with distilled or mineral water.  Over time the body will adjust and the magnesium oil will not need to be diluted. 
  • Do NOT spray onto the face or eyes. 
  • Toxic symptoms from increased magnesium intake are not common because the body eliminates excess amounts unless there are serious problems with kidney function. 
  • In reality, problems with magnesium supplementation usually occur when magnesium in the IV form is given too rapidly or in too high of a dose.
  • There is a balance of calcium to magnesium to be kept in the range of 1:1 or 2:1.
  • Signs of excess magnesium can be similar to magnesium deficiency.  Can include:  mental status changes, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, muscle weakness, difficulty breathing, extremely low blood pressure, and irregular heartbeat.  Though extremely rare, severe magnesium intoxication is manifested by a sharp drop in blood pressure and respiratory paralysis. 
  • Disappearance of the patellar reflex is a useful clinical sign to detect the onset of magnesium intoxication. 
  • In even of overdosage, artificial ventilation must be provided until a calcium salt can be injected intravenously to antagonize the effects of magnesium. 
  • Most common cause of hypermagnesemia include:  excessive Mg intake, lithium therapy, hypothyroidism, Addison’s disease, familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia, Milk alkali syndrome, depression. 
  • Most adverse effects of IV magnesium are usually the result of Mg intoxication.  Symptoms include:  flushing, sweating, hypotension, depressed reflexes, flaccid paralysis, hypothermia, circulatory collapse, cardiac and CNS depression proceeding to respiratory paralysis.  Hypocalcemia, with signs of tetany secondary to magnesium sulfate therapy for eclampsia has been reported. 
  • IV administration of magnesium could accentuate muscle relaxation and collapse the respiratory muscles if given too rapidly or in too high a dosage.  Patients with excessively slow heart rates should also be careful because slow hearts can be made even slower, as magnesium relaxes the heart.  When there is a bowel obstruction, additional caution is required because the main route of elimination of oral magnesium is through the bowel. 

   How can I administer magnesium?

  • Oral supplements
  • Topical sprays (oils, gels, lotions)
  • Full body soaks
  • Foot soaks

Drug Interactions with Magnesium

  • Magnesium supplements interact with different pharmaceutical drugs. 
  • Certain drugs will increase the loss of magnesium in the urine.  Taking these medications for long periods of time may contribute to magnesium depletion. 
  • On other hand many antacids/laxatives contain magnesium.  When frequently taken in large doses these drugs can inadvertently lead to excessive magnesium consumption and hypermagnesemia. 
  • Doxycycline – Mg may make doxycycline less effective.  Take Mg supplements 1-3 hours before or after ingesting doxycycline. 
  • Minocycline – Mg may make minocycline less effective.  Take Mg supplements 1-3 hours before or after ingesting minocycline.
  • Tetracycline – Mg may make tetracycline less effective.  Take Mg supplements 1-3 hours before or after ingesting tetracycline.
  • Diabetes Medicines including glipizide and glyburide.  May further lower blood sugar leading to blurred vision, tremor (shaking), hunger, sweating, headache, skipped heartbeats, confusion, nervousness, and extreme tiredness.  Magnesium may increase the absorption of glipizide and glyburide.
  • Gabapentin binds to Mg in the GI tract and results in a malabsorption of both oral Mg and gabapentin (PDR says 24%).

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